IIoT for Industry 4.0, now a Reality!
SIT Consultores, with 25+ years in the Manufacturing sector, is nowadays aligned with the worldwide Industry 4.0 strategy, particularly at extracting data from production plants in real time, and working with technological platforms that allow you to obtain such data, for it to be integrated into an ERP such as QAD and others, a MES, a Progress OpenEdge database or other database systems.

Examples of Dashboards

Smart Factory’s main benefits for manufacturing companies:
- An increase in the real efficiency of equipment and processes, 8% as a minimum (Verified!)
- Visibility into the manufacturing operation, automating the collection of data for calculation of KPI’s, OEE, types of machine halts, and overall statistics.
- Integration into ERP systems (QAD, SAP among others), as well as database systems and/or AI systems such as THROUGHPUT, for Machine Learning and Predictive Maintenance means.
- Traceability, and reduction of idle time.