Whether you need to monitor one database on one server or hundreds of OpenEdge databases, AppServers, WebSpeed, Tomcat and other resources spread around the world, the ProTop dashboard gives you real-time visibility into the state of your business-critical application components. ProTop combines its creators’ 30 years of OpenEdge experience with data from widely scattered sources to give you actionable information and alerts in one coordinated and insightful view. With Cloud and On-Premises options and 3 levels of functionality, ProTop adapts to your organization’s needs and policies.
Who is it for?:
ProTop is aimed at all OpenEdge database administrators.
How does it work:
ProTop launches agents, one for every monitored database or resource; they collect info about the monitored element and upload such info to the statistical data repository for the site on the cloud. The resources’ administrator can know their status accessing ProTop’s cloud via web. This cloud sends alarms to sys admins when a certain predefined alarm level is reached for any of the 100+ ProTop’s metrics. Historical data are kept on ProTop’s cloud for months or years.

Consistent, real-time view of DB status. Pro-active notification of looming issues. Faster, more accurate identification of the source of problems. A serious power boost for in-house DBA staff, so you can focus on your application domain rather than “DBA stuff”.
However, ProTop’s largest benefit is its support to your business’ continuity of operations.

- Clear ROI. The average hourly downtime cost in 2017 was over $300,000. ProTop’s proactive approach minimizes the risk of unexpected outages.
- Enterprise Monitoring for OpenEdge. Tool to proactively monitor your enterprise systems, with 1 or 1,000 databases.
- Increased Productivity. Help streamline day-to-day database management tasks so your staff can focus on their primary activities. ProTop will alert your team when attention is needed. This world-class tool is focused on prevention.
- Light Tool. ProTop makes a minimal use of resources: its agents are very light, and it has a small footprint on both RAM and disk. Java is not required.